((On one hand, it would seem very cock-blockish to stop these two from fuckin right now, on the other, i have a feeling they're fuckin too often already-
I've made my decision, killure's hand gently slides under the shirt and runs over serene's skin as he presses his lips against hers in a rough kiss and... timeskip....again
*wakes up and notices Echo is gone* she probably to go fly around *chills and watches T.V*
...*sigh* but I might not be strong enough t- *hits a tree*
"Well, it seems like we were in here all day" killure comments while cuddling
"...." she looked down silent. She didnt really....seemed like in a mood to cuddle or anything ( wow I disappointed myself how did I managed to-
"serene?" Killure was getting worried now, he was scared that he did or said something wrong
( I just....suddenly...feel like im not in the mood to even type i..
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