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if you lose your soul before then you can live the shattering but you become a glitch

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but if your soul shatters outside your body there is no going back
are you alright *she stands up*
.. uhhhhhh.. *noticed echo future echo flower future flower future exe and shadow and floweriel*
you get stuck soulless forever
don't know.. elizabeth
then how did we get a soul before?
well alot of people but flower was the big part
uhhhhhh i am sooooooooooo lost rn i have so many questions..
and who this you trying to calm down flower? *noticed zel*/flower:oh that just zel elizabeth he got scared due to bates falling/aw poor zel
everyone you met you tried to feel and a soul started forming but when you met flower and you two became actual friends your soul went from almost nothing to a soul that was a mix of many
*crys alot at thing point made a big puddle
yours eyes changed. .
but enough chit chat we've had listeners this whole time and i hope some of your questions have been answered
aaaaaand who the hell are these people *noticed echo and future echo*/flower:oh thats echo from the future and thats echo right now future echo on the hunt for exe buuut ehhh let's just say she plays smart/*smirks* he can gl with that
*the walls dissapear*

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23