1 she's a exe like exetior so it's impossible due to her speed and strength 2 if she gets hunted she just makes sure no one finds her soo future echo can just give up no one can teleport to her *to flower whispering REEEEALLY quite* and aww is that your son flower *noticed floweriel*/flower:yea
so *magic locks the lab and locks all the exits*
๐Reborn, be thankful you can't see what I'M DOING. I mean sure, I'm not going three on one like Del, but I'm not any better.
bye*tps to exe while transforming into normal echo*
*it did not work what elizabeth says it's true* *smirks*
hehehehehe/flower:what the heck did you do elizabeth/OOOOOOOOOO let's just say i messed up her stats alot. *smirks/Flower:*smirks* Heheheh
(And by children i mean Myself as the second youngest one here)
awww zel need lizzie hug *grabs zel and hug zel* lizzie hugs >3< and what i say alot I MEAN alot
i know *locks everyone out of the room except tps flower in a magic draining cage in the room*
*jaw dropped as flower dying of laughter* OMG U SNEAKY GIRL
ELIZABETH HOW DID YOU HAD THE TIME TO DO THAT!?/elizabeth:*makes flower stays* nope for 1

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23