*makes gun disapper feeling terrible* zel is so so sorry ;O;
*breaks the magic lock and a soul starts to appear near flower*
!! *clone of exe tp shadow away sending healing aura at shadow*/it's okay zel you did not know and i forgive you zel besides i ain't that person who kills like exe zel
but my highest suggestion is to wait outside cause i don't wanna scare you zel *noticed the soul*???
(Btw Rv you do know that Flower and Azzy are Rping 4 years in the future right?)
*they both start slashing at eachother and shooting eachother*
floweriel it's okay your father getting heal from exe clone ... *to echo* i thought..
《time in the hell is faster than normal world》
*flower tp out as rest of team exe attacks future echo with the robot* (yup sorry if it's confusing rv) come on floweriel we gotta help your dad
(yeah lets go with that so i dont have to edit my charicter model
WE BUY YOU TIME FLOWER!/real flower:ALRIGHT! *to ruby*
(i was only talking like a one time use character , you didnt need to .-.)
(so let's just go with he'll is omost like the time chamber from dba

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23