Ive killed The Infaversal Guardians/Gods of Power, Time and Reality multiple times , you dont frighten me
"If ya don't go blabbing to anyone, we'll tell you what we're talkin' about."
Blade: "E'en if she swore, there's no way she woul'n't tell what we're up ta af'erward!"
Lance: "Chill, Blade. She won' go tellin' 'em, will ya?" *Turns to July*
"If ya don't go blabbing to anyone, we'll tell you what we're talkin' about."
Blade: "E'en if she swore, there's no way she woul'n't tell what we're up ta af'erward!"
Lance: "Chill, Blade. She won' go tellin' 'em, will ya?" *Turns to July*
"Heh. See Blade? We can trus' her." *He says, just quiet enough so Grillby can't hear him* "We're on a missi'n to hun' down a few people. We're a duo o' elite assassins."
"You shoul' know our targets. E'ryone in that house right o'er there." *Points in the general directions of Del's house*
"...Us'ally, yeah, but Blade woul'n't last too long in a fight 'lone."
"Some guy named Axis or somethin' like that offered us a lotta moolah ta get the job done."
"He says he's tried but couldn', but I'm thinkin' he just doesn' wanna get his hand dirty."
do you think hed get mad for you telling me this?
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