(Too lazy to swap because.....) *Appears in the training room, killing a clone before Del does, then quickly splits his spear into 2 and uses them to block Del as he swings both of his swords at him, blinded by hatred*
*Appears behind Del, swinging both of his swords as Del ducks and slashes at both of them, forcing them to jump backwards*
"Heh, he's gotten better since last time, Lance. Best be careful."
Past: "That light clink from the training room? Del's probably just blowing off steam."
Past: "That light clink from the training room? Del's probably just blowing off steam."
(*yeets blade and lance to antartica and magic and flying blocks them*
(*But it fails* They literally are not going to affect any of your OCs, unless if you willingly join it.

*He rushes at Del as Blade does the same, and Del blocks all 4 weapons with his 2 swords, kicking Blade in the stomach and throwing him through the training room door, breaking it off of its hinges*
(what the heck i did not know we having a yeeting party)
"Who the he*l?!"
Blade: *Stands up and rushes back into the training room, chaining his attacks with Lance's*
Blade: *Stands up and rushes back into the training room, chaining his attacks with Lance's*
*Suddenly both Blade and Lance are pinned against the wall* (I forgot she was there)
the way del just went YEET)

*She strikes them both quickly with her rapier sword to the point where they cant see her*
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23