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Mia:,.....*tps back ho.e make food a d leaves some for when jack gets back and she gos to bed*....
Mia:*changes into a night gown and sleeps with one of jack's jackets around her*
K cya del)
Mia:*wakes up hearing footsteps*?...*gets up and gos to where its comeong from*
Mia:jack? Whats going on?....*is still in a night gown and is wearing on of his jacklets
Mia:*in head:i didnt teach him that๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜“*
Mia:wtf happen to flower?,
Mia:uhhh shit flower im so sorry for what i about to do*gets her scythe* over her mouth...
Cover *
Mia:mnvm sorry flower!!!*cuts off flowers arm with the acid on it*
Mia:*drops her scythe and falls on her knees amd starts crying*im sorry im sorry im sorry im sorry im sorry im so sorry!!!!!
Mia:*gets up and runs off passed deorisc and jack and gos to her gardem crying*
Mia:*starts haveing a panic attack *
Mia:*her ears and tail go down and she hugs back crying more*
Mia:i-i didnt know what else to do ok?!*gets up and looks at rv*WHAT WOULD YOU HAVE DONE IF YOU SAW YOUR FRIEND DIEING IN FRONT OF YOU AND YOU COULD HAVE DID SOMETHIMG! *release what she said*i-im sorry i need to-..*flys off crying*

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23