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Hello humans look who's here!😃)
And now I'm going to bed good bye)
Mia:*grabs her head and has another panic attack *(hi ten)
Mia:go away !!!*her magic gos out of control and the ground shakes and everyone can hear her and it make everyones ears bleed*JUSY GO AWAY!!!!!!!!
Mia:LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!*The ground shakes more and everyone hears her and it makeing them feel like there head is a out to blow up*
About *
(yup that my villian oc)
Mia:*shes crys more and water starts filling up everywhere ÀAAAHHH*And her crying makes everyone drop on the ground and they starts crying a lil too bc of her yelling*
Mia:*shes crys herself to sleep and sleeps on jack still crying and shes still in the night gown and is still wearing one of Jack's jackets*
Mia:*keeps crying in her sleep *
Mia:*calms down a lil but keeps crying in her sleep*
Mia:*almost wakes up bc of the yelling *hmmmmm...zzzz
Pap lily and qwen:*come out of nowhere by jack and bates lily has arows qwen has a sword and pap has a staff*OK WHO HURT MIA!!!!!
Lily:we heard her crying all the way for our castles in hell!!!/pap:damn that girl can scream....
Qwen:who the hell is rabia?
Lily:im going homw i wanted tomget back to my kinds and my azzy cya*leaves*
Pap: both of you two cool it!!!
Pap:it is too late for this shit! !!?
Pap:bates i will slap the shit out of you

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23