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Pap:go home get some sleep you can fight in the morning
Pap:*tps the knife to her and breaks it and tacklles bates to the ground *
Pap:go home bates
Pap :im going home to my husban bye*leaves*/qwen :who the fuck are you?
Mia:*wakes up a bit hearing talking and she still crying *hmmm...?...
Mia:!!!!*hides under the blanket bc of rabia and her yelling and her wepons*
Mia:*sees deorisc and throws a pan at them and hides again*
Qwen:*tps back home*
No hes alseep)
Hello humans!)
Its me!)
Yes it is one of le common people!)
Nyeh heh heh)
Btw wanna play minecraft jack?)
ok back to rp)
Mia:*calms dowm amd gos back to sleep and she was still crying and her ears and tail are down*
Quick super easy math! Answer with out looking up now how many sides does a double have?)
I mean cube?)
How many sides does a cube have?)

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23