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No that's personal information leak bruh)

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*its seems mia fixed it when he was gone*
I'm a weird case imma year ahead in school)
No I put that on private)
Ok fine how old am I tell me tell me)
Guess what I'm non binary and on that note I'm out cuz I'm embarrassed)
No I'm still here)
I'm just very strange and embarrassed)
Try habeing your birth day by Chrismas
Having *
The dragon or have u all ready killed?)
Just doing the desummon ritual)
Ok coords?)
Can I make Simon aurmor?)
Or better aurnir mins gonna break very soon)
Imma do half dimon)
Mia:*wakes up and gets up and gets and knife and cuts herself then badges her arms and changes her clothes shes now wereing a jacket and shorts and gos to the kitchen *...
Mia:mhm im ok.

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23