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Haha yeah...I mean my maturity makes me cry but yeah I get what you say
Listen, life is a queen b, and by that i mean queen fucking Bitch. Life will punch you in the gut when things are going good and shoot your kneecaps out while you're down. But it'll get better, you'll heal and things will get better. Life will try to bring you down, and when you let the sorrow overtake you, you're admitting defeat, sometimes you just gotta take the bull by the horns. Stay strong, for those who can't and those you have lost, stay strong for not only yourself but for your loved ones aswell. And when you can't do it on your own remember that we're always here for you, you don't have to be alone.
Yeah... I've been bullied all my life, so I just kind of don t care anymore. I just stand there and take it.
Wow that was heartwarming as hell
Heh... Thanks Cosmo...
Hold on, let me get my shotgun, it's bully hunting season.
Alright so I have an axe I hope that's okay
Tch... Too many people to count... Originally due to being fat in the UK, now, just because I'm a complete gaming nerd, and I'm loud. That, and usually, unless I get super upset, my sadness almost instantly becomes rage, and I just snap at them, which they get a kick out of.
Wait....Nancy and Jonathan had an axe and a shotgun-
Plus the whole "School Shooter" joke from how I dress, and how I look...
Huh...okay first all (I'm not hitting on you but) I'm into nerds and a lot of girls are so ok. And okay being fat gets Gucci
How did fixed corrected Into Gucci
And about the school shooter
I dress like an e girl. So they wont expect the gun- that a joke I wouldnt shoot anyone...yet
Oh I wouldn't shoot anyone... i'd probably cut a bitch though-
Oh yeah true true
For how I look, imagine this. I'm a guy who dressed like a Sans wannabe every day, you never see me not wearing a jacket, I got acne, and my eyes have fucking racoon rings around them.
Okay every fucking teenager has acne
So they have gone through it 100%

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