Well, Cosmo has a point. I'm the type of guy that goes more for personality than looks. And, same as you said earlier, not trying to hit on you, but from what I've seen you are they type of girl I would date. Cya Cosmo.
Well I mean here's the thing. Guys dont want me cause I'm a nerd....but also cause I'm ugly...but...also cause I'm flat chested...which I'm not that much I'm.njusy not a cow
Yeah... I'm one of the rare guys that goes for someone that is a good person, over someone with a curvy body. Now, I'm a guy, so I can't lie, that would be a plus, but not what I focus on. I care more for they type of person they are over how they look.
Hey look I am curvy I'm just fla- you know what no! I'm not flat chested I'm just not a fucking cow! Hell! Where have all the guys like you gone! Like seriously??!?
But here's the thing. Guys at my school at least care ONLY about your body. And that...I mean I wear over sized hoodies cause I'm ashamed of it..but still uts hell
For instance, my gf Faith. Total nerd, used to make jokes with me, and was a good person. Yet half my friends thought she was ugly. Same with the other one I told you about. The one from the Costa Rica incident. Her name was Brooklyn, and a lot of my younger friends called her ugly behind her back, to the point where I threatened to beat their asses if I heard them talking shit again. Just because she wasn't super curvy, despite the fact she was actually p hot, at least to me anyways.
And don't worry about it. Not every guy is just looking for a slut for a gf, just so they can get lucky every day. It might take some time, but you'll find one. I promise.
Wow you managed to cheer me up at a problem that I've had for over 1 year now and I'm impressed
Heh. That's something I found out a while ago. When I'm being serious, and I'm not depressed like I was earlier, thanks for snapping me out of that btw, wasn't fun, I'm actually pretty persuasive.
Normally because I have experience with what I'm talking about, but still. Ann's wb Azzy.
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