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Forums » Roleplay » u.c rp

Look at our profiles. They have our age. At least, mine does.
(i have an idea)
(we could... move back to uc and ill stay behind so i can tell everyone)
(and we will just use this for other chats)
and then I can't rp in uc
Well, like I said, our ages are on our profiles. And I don't think we can lie, since we have to use an email. Usually, it would cross reference the age we put in with the age the email says.
(gore means bloodshed so just put -hp)
I will be here then
or somethin
((I can just stay silent and disappear while y'all give the proof since my age isn't on my profile
well so
Oof. You opted to not display it? I did for reasons like this.
meet me on undercards*
If someone is skeptical, check me profile! It has my age, and even my birthday on it fer fuck sake!
you can set your age display

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23