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Mia:hehe jack you change into you sun god.form again

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Mia:*trys to move but cant bc the pain*ow ow ow...
Mia:ok put me down
Mia:jack where i am going you cant go with me...
Mia:bc i need to go in the moon to heal my self...
Mia:jack...what happens to a light in a bunch of darkness?
Mia:im still not leting you come with me
Mia:bc i said no*her mark turns dark blue black and white*
Mia:i dont care
Mia:*sighs*fine but put me down i need to change into a different form
Mia:*turns into a giant *hehe
Mia:I'll teach you how to do this tomorrow *picks up kack and turns into her moon goddess form*
*a portal opens and she gos through it*
Mia:*gets tackleed by midnight*haha no down bad moon wolf!
Mia:heh i guess i dont want midnight to eat you two*turns jack and flower into Giants and flower is in her wayer form and jack is in his sund gos form*
Mia:heh you will get use to it
Mia:now i just need to find something*looks around*now where did i put it?...
Mia:my staff.. damni it where is it?!*keeps looking*
Mia:*looks in a chest*oh and whatever you do dont kpen that door*points to a vlack door*thats is where angel sleeps and his a world eater
Mia:where is that stupid thing! I know i lefted it here!*looks under a bed*

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23