... Alright. Let's split up and get them. *picks up Mia* You stay with me. I'm not leaving you again unless I have to.
*Appears by Nexus* "He's asleep...of course..."
*Slaps him in the face with a pancake, freshly made* "3.....2....1..."
now lets relax and enjoy this while it last/real:sure *they relax*/real:u know i getting used to u,the other people i meet attacks us but u just consume my corruption due to whole fighting maybe this could calm me down lil bit/heh im like u trying to find calmness
*flower is not with the team anymore she in the unknown location*
hi jack *back screaming* FLOWER WHERE ARE U!!!!
"Hmm...odd...I thought the scent of pancakes would wake him up..."
yea due to her snapped she just walked off
I bet no one wants me...*he stabs himself hard on the hand and grins crying a lot
*Pulls out bottle of maple syrup* "Well while I'm here..."
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23