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*moves Cosmo away, tipping him against a wall, grinning* *isn't phased*

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*grabs a cupids bow* okay guys you three look at each other for a sec okay?
*the chakrams ignite*
*slowly phases into the wall amd disappears while everyone is distracted*
*shoots jack and cosmo* there! Now you love eachother!
*it hit the wall, nice shot though*
And now... How much should I cook you? And nah, sry. I don't swing that way.
I don't have anything against it mind you, I'm just not interested in other guys.
Jack's not my type anyway, more into the hippie lumberjack look *omnipresent voice time*
*does a cartwheel into the burning fire*
*winks at Echo, making sure Cosmo could notice and walks over to her*
*makes an igloo and crawls in saded*
wait wait
*phases back into existence and hugs echo* nope, can't do shit john
. . . *tps in and hugs her*

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23