Mia:thats great now hold on im going to make us a portal to hot land*makes a portal*
Mia:ok there come on you two*gos through the portal *
As we go on we rember all the times we spent together as our lives change from whatevrrybwe will still be friends forever )
Mia:no everything is fine*tps everyone to a cliff*(k)
*they arw now in hell and the streets are filled with demons danceing and haveing fun*
*a random demon grabs mia by the hand and spins her around *r.demon1:why hello there pretty lil lady/mia:umm can you let go of me plz....,
R.demon1:hej i dont give a fuck im just going to take her away for a bit/mia:🤢*in head:this due smells like fish and shit...*
Mia:let go of me befor i let him kill you/r.demon1:how anout you shut tour mouth and.lets go somewhere else*his holds her closer and looks.like his anout to kiss her/mia:hell no let me go!
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23