*He starts to walk closer* I don't give a sh*t about your stupid reference... *A giant pancake and a giant waffle appear behind him as he pulls out a chef's hat and puts it on*
looks like im gonna have to use my cannon powers for this one
*Takes out a gun and shoots Dels gut head and legs all within the same second*
*Uses his blade to strike at del* (Its badicall a Sword + Lightsaber)
*He backsteps and slaps him with a roll of salami, then another stone-hard biscuit, now giant, appears above him and slams down on him*
*coughs up blood* P-P*he looks like he wants to say something*
*The biscuit vanishes and he pulls out a frying pan* Any last words?
(This fight is basically pancakes vs. Every food in existence. )
PERSONA![img]<img src="https://preview.redd.it/lvgw2pp8c7t01.png?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=9e7852eab242b319be02998342dbb8bdc744341d" alt="I really like Loki's design but I feel like it was ..."/>[/img] (first time attempting images)
*Rips off his mask and Loki Appears and Becomes essentially a plate of Pancakes with a giant f*cking sword*
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23