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I hope you two work out but...

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I care too much to not wait
So.....I' here..
Hope it works out though....I want you to be happy..
When did everything get so complicated?
Just please... Promise me, if you find a good guy, that likes you, and wants you for more than just sex... Don't wait for me. Just go for it...
I want the best for you...
Hey cosmo...
....cosmo can we just dm for a sec...I need a...break from all this...Just for a bit...
I understand... I'll leave you alone...
Yeah, sure, whatever you want
Well, this is gonna be hard for me to do
I talked to echo, she said that she isn't planning on coming back to this chat... i'm not sure if she's leaving the site aswell or not but she won't be coming back here.
. . .
... Waffle.
(what happened here)
(a argument broke out in chatzy)

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23