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(tbh i have no idea i was asleep then i noticed this)

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(hoi what happen?)
(Jack earned the name Jackass(
(lets just say that)
)Yesterday Jack and The Other Echo became bf and gf even though cosmo [and maybe me] wanted to be with echo , Jack f***** up because he relized he also wanted to be with paps and so He choose Paps over the other echo causing a huge argument between cosmo and jack)
wait so jack was cheating on paps then stopped?
(Idk if thats right but thats what ive gotten out of it)
(idk i dont think Paps and Jack were or Are together)
ok so the other echo is a girl and many people like them and jack cheated is what i'm getting\
also bruh they are married
(Their OCs are married lad not them(
so wait irl?
people like them?
(Yes im refering to irl)
(*went in*)
*Drops from the sky and lands perfectly, then walks to the corner of the 4th wall and hides until this is all over*
i would to del i would to...
(Ive been listening to this the whole time
(yea i have jack and paps in the chat i created till the argument is cool down)

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23