*presses a red button on his work table and a fuck load of temmie apper and point guns at goro* yes intruder bates lives here..
nothing im looking for bates-san so i can surprise them
no i just wanted to inform him of where a man named Tim lives
he recently moved an tim sent me to tell him
ok Bates-san by the way my name is Akechi and you cant fool a ace detective
*growls abit and the temmies fear bates abit and move away from him*LOOK BUDDY I DOT GOT ALL DAY JUST FUCKING TELL ME OR THEY SHOOT OU
I guess i wont be telling you with that attitude
*black stuff blocks the entrance and he can feel his magic become useless right now and bates summons a fuck load of knifes around this guy
*grins* look detective tell me or ill do the harming here
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