to be honest...I could not tell if it's you or crazy in control you acted less crazy and more your self... is ushally me tho...when that hate sinks in...I feel...more alive....and I don't like it...I do actions i dont want to do but with the hate...I want to do stuff that I would never do...
No idea *suddenly behind del wearing his Red mask*
heya *to anthony*/aj aka anthony:Oh hi dad/find anyone???/aj:idk and i feel like someone following me cause ether that idk/oh
(YES ANTHONY AND JESSIE IS FATHER AND SON CAUSE THE LASTS NAME HEADS UP)/flower:HEY *to jessie and anthony* LOST!?!?/??? *noticed flower* oh hello yea we are
I heard someone..and I'm trying to follow them..he said quietly
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