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wait hold on flower who is that?

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*it attempts to claw at december three more times*
rolled 3d20 and got a natural 49. After the modifier of +-5, got 44
19 11 19
December turned and tried to run away to get some distance between her and the behemoth, being close to it is suicide at this point
*2 hits critically hit, and one misses*
dylan and his wife./nightly:._______________________. uhhhhhhhhh may i ask?/no
*Cotton’s still trying to get the red object..*
*cotton succeeds!*
*Cotton Obtained the Super Red Bomb!*
December tries to shoot the behemoth now at point blank
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 16.
*You shoot it's eyes out, blinding it even more*
*it roars in pain as it claws blindly*
*does cotton wanna roll for throwing at the behemoth?*
December tries to scramble away once more, attempting to avoid the blind swings so she can get a safe distance away
*cotton, no. it’s just intrigued by the red colored object.*
*Cotton merely holds onto it, as it has barely any clue what’s going on*
*december runs into cotton for convienience!*
*And December would notice the Bomb*
*Cotton was trampled, and the explosive would’ve been trampled as well*

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23