Sammy's voice: you shouldnt talk about someone whos listening..........
Sammy: dont ask about what i did earlier, it was a dare and one of those idiots may die this week.
Sammy: yeah and i want to die kill me now P L E A S E T_T
*everyone but flower, sammy, nexus, and infinity has paint dumped on them*
Sammy: *in front of jack* 1, im immune to fire. 2, youre the same one who made me do a pedophilec act on a 16 year old even if im 14. you slut. *tps away*
Sammy: *groans* im done. im goind to my castle. *its impossible to stop her as her own scythe impales her and she turns into blood*
Sammy: *looks at her stomache and has a huge wound* ..... huh, now theres a hole in my stomache.
Sammy: *suddenly flower is in sammys castle and sitting in front of her at a table* i need.. er- some help......
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23