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you need some help with that

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*the chains dodges and closes the door behind bates* il be fine its not the 1st
i don't like when you say that anymore
last time you said that
*frowns* i hate this chains..
you died
uhhhhhh flower did u just vs the person who caused the chains?/flower:how tf did u know?
*sighs* error sans made me though threatening to break every limb in my body.....
i was next to the void.
Pfft... Seriously? Wow. I'm surprised.
next to?
Guess he isn't COMPLETELY insane after all.
the void... you know the place we got stuck at?
yeah i know
how do you get "next to" the void
nightly lead me his ability to open the portal to enter and leave the void
ok then

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23