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Mia:*drangs nightly into a different room and somwhow locks the door and lays down by nightly*

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Mia:*growls at yhe door*grrr
Mia:*growls at her*(Dude you left mia!)
Mia:*snaps out of it and is some how with del*ow what the hell happen?
Mia:oh hell no!
Mia:idk how i got here!
Mia:i didnt do shit to you so leave me alone!!!!!!
Mia:guys..i cant fight my magic is gone.....
Wb your wife is about to die)
Mia:*runs to jack and hides beind him scared of everyone but him*
Mia:*is very scared and hides beind a tree*
morning yall
Mia:*wimpers and her ears and tail go down and shes still scared and hugs jack*
Mia:*calms down a lil bit and hides beind jack still scared of everyone*
*shes still confused bc of April's spell thats why shes scared *

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23