Mia:oh no...../???:i was giveing you a chance to do it befor i do it myself
???:you should pick fast it looks like your kingdom is being attacked
???:hahaha i cant die here as long as mia is alive so am i also you hurt me you hurt your love/mia:ow wtf?!
???:hehe how about i make a deal with you you give up you to me and i will give you the kye to the gate
???:haha i see why she chose you now get off so i can give you the fucking key so you can leave and help your friends
???:your lucky im feeling nice even though im evil i still have a heart *gives jack the key*now go your friends need you/mia:!*runs into the forest *
Mia:*hides and holds herself scared trying to calm herself down*
Mia:i dont know nexus just came to the castle woke me up and told me to run!
*it keeps moveing and it sounds like theres a lil kid laughing*(nope)
*the gate stops and theres a lil girl in front of it and shes laughing*
??:*she looks like mia*hehe im mia! I missed playing with someone hehe
Jack isnt in the real world right now his trying to get Mia 's magic back so his body in there room*
Kingom is under attack*mia:*so whow tps to nightly and hides beind him scared*
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23