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(hi pap)
(haha just kidding)
(its actually pap)
I NEED EXCERCISE!!! Being indoors is fine, but 24/7 for weeks!? N O THANK YOU I NEED SOME FRESH AIR!!!
Confusion level
rolled 10d100 and got a natural 618. After the modifier of +23, got 641
52 70 79 88 70 71 52 66 34 36
We just finished grilling Sansation again. Hes abusing his mod powers now.
(they are talking about war now)
War my *beep*
cause im done with his shit
Most ppl are.
i just wanted to say something random
(sigh, well at least i can rp here)
He went off the deep end with the shit with russian.
True Ad.
(oh no sans deleted a Have a good day message)

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23