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Mia:or you can bring back my father to help jack*
Mia:*crys a lil and says a spell and Liam is by jack */Liam:haha jack my boy its good to see you again mia brot me back to help
Liam:heh whats that look for? I just said mia sent me to help
Liam:*gets a sword *mind filling me in my boy?
Liam:i see....
Liam:son im already dead i cant die again
Liam:wait...oh god mia!
Liam:*attack takeo*
Liam:*doges and attacks again*
Liam:*doges and tps beind him and staps him in the back befor he could move*
Liam:*takes them out and he heals himself*didnt you hear me? Im already dead! I cant die again!
Mia:*telepathy to jack:ya i can he
Hear you i hope my father got to you*
Mia:*jack i swere if you are hurt after i do this you are so dead**does so*
Midnight :grrrr*stands beind jack with fenrir ready to attack*
Midnight:*uses magic lock on takeo*
Mia:*turns into her moon goddes form and says a spell giveing jack somekof her magic*
Midnight :*tackles takeo to the ground and so does fenriralso they are a lil biger then normal wolfs and not in there giant forms*

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23