(cool) *is to quite* (so how long is jack and mia gonna be in that location)
mia:*frontflips out the tree and her wings come out and she flys down*i feel a bit better you?(cool rv)
(cause someone messaged me the other day they did not understand what i ment by red with blue around it
Meh... Alright, I guess... I'm just glad I didn't hurt you in that fight...
mia:heh its ok now let me guess you dont know how to use your wings?
*is bored*(SO I WONDER WHO GONNA BE THE TARGET maybe jack and mia like every day in rp)
mia:baby your holding your wing and touching it like your looking at a robot...
*face goes slightly red in embarrassment* No I'm not... I'm just trying to figure out how to work the muscles...
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23