*remove bandages and her eyes glows normally*
*his face is completely covered by a helmet, but he can somehow be heard perfectly, as if the mask isn't there*
"Heh...what're you gonna do, break my neck like you did your dad? Or choke me out like you did to your friend?"
"SHUT!!! UP!!!!!" *Stabs him through the chest*
... what the hell how the fuck can u listen to us with onn?
Del Don't Listen To Him Ignore Him Don't Let Your Anger Take Over Your Mind
He heh... I can easily make you all suffer. So just leave. *darkness starts to gather around him*
i already suffer enough...
"Pathetic...this was too easy..." *Blood shoots out from under the darkness under the hood*
*senses something* I gotta go help Jack *tps to Jack* You Need Help
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23