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Mia:*her eyes turns red and black and her eyes bleed hate and her fangs show*grrrrr
Can you RIP your own head off?)
Why am I here idk)
Mia:if you hurt my husband or my kids you are die April
Ok whos takeing over for violet? )
Why am I so bored )
I'm just gonna leave. No reason for me to be her *-*)
Mia:*sends a feeling back to flower:yes its safe now*
Mia:*takes violet and hugs her and turns back to normal*oh my lil stat thank god your ok
Mia:ok violet say bye to your dad for a lil bit
I think I should do another poll. >:)
MWAHAHAHAHA!!! *makes poll* 😈
THat's right. 😈
So...time to make that poll. 😈
Of you choose that option... THEN YOU'RE A THOOOOOOOOT!

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23