*charges at vanitas with more swords and slices at vanitas and leaps into a portal of hate*
NOPE I DID!!! *then uses 2 rk47 and shoots vanitas*
mia:*has blood on her scythe and clothes*im soo going to kill him...
o hell no *turn them into swords uses vanitas and slices vaitas from behind*
(Vanitas is gone Flower. And you can't get to him)
it seems you need help with vanitas and corrupted*
(that was not flower jack that was corrupted flower)
Mia... Take it easy. He's way to strong for any of us right now. He just beat us. BADLY. With four on one odds, we got tossed around like puppets...
GOD DAMN IT *flower and corrupted unfused* DOES THEY ALWAYS NOT LET U FIGHT BACK!?!?!?/real:-_- no corrupted.
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23