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Wow del must be a pervert then)

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i guess so
...f*ck this, I'
m leaving
Mia:one of the gods was the god of death.....
Mia:*turns pinks bc of zel's question and it makes her more weak*ask bates zel....
Mia:no... he was there watching me waiting for me to die again. .....but he got bored and attacked me......
Mia:.....zel...bates hates being in his lap!
Mia:*tells zel what kill means*
.....think about what you have done *Yeets self out of chat*
Mia:*walks on the ceiling and gets echo down*
Mia:jack why do i feel like your going to do something really dumb and im going to slap you later for it?
(*pap leaves the char bc of scary as hell bates*fuck this sht im out
Gn flower takes over for mia)
. . .
Should I just...come back later?

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23