(Dude, we have been out of the underground for nearly over a year now )
I know I mean like when will we be in normal society)
Coco looked up"I could get you to the shadow kingdom one day"
Welp. I need to get some sleep. It's 5 am here now. Hey Ten, wanna play some MC tomorrow?
That's right I heard the story over and over again)
She let out a sigh and lightly blushed* I'm sorry I-its just....i..I cant feel like im hurting you I care so much
Sweet. I might finish up something before I sleep. And the Echo. It's fun sleeping until 1 pm tho... YES TEN!!! AN INDIVIDUAL OF CULTURE, I SEE!
But I skipped all the way to level 100 by killing the developer with my 2 swords)
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23