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(may the games begin)

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Holy shit, I LIVE!! Sry for being so late. What I miss.
(Ok.... Can I jump in?)
(nothing like taking a hot shower in burning hot weather)
(what did i miss)
(oh ok , and viol is still in their time)
4 min...
3 min
2 min until war was gonna happen but now i'm just counting down
1 min..!
(lmao) *echo relizes that his alarm clock was late and that he missed it*
also what it 9:45?
so wat you mean...-_-
it is sat 9:47 right now and i got on at 9:36
i know it point was i was too lazy to turn off my alarm after killing corruption
i had planned for the big war to happen when i made layla and afterwar-ds she would tell him
but that didn't happen so i had to work with it
lets start rping again

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23