mia:*jumps off a cliff and jumps slids all the way down on her feet*
*the melted Maul would form this https://www.pikpng.com/pngvi/hJJbbb_anime-cool-png-anime-characters-clipart/*
!!!! damn shes emotionless but also stubborn jack cmon *slides down with the loose chains*
*catches up to her* Alright. Take two. (Starts singing this again. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lOL4uJGaIxk )
*Grabs Nexus with all twenty hands* Time to finish this *slams him down onto the ground at high speeds and deals a lot of damage*
mia:*hears jack's singing and turns around*?!?!.....
*noticed mia but not saying a word*
*smiles and spreads his arms welcomingly*
mia:*crys out of one of her eyes and glitchs from her old self and back*AH!
*the hands put down Nexus* i'll spare you this time but Next time i won't so train hard Pest
mia:*stops glitching and sings this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rf_3EQYzUV4
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23