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Forums » Roleplay » u.c rp

And because I want to do a campaign in here at some point.
(how about this
(i could read my d&d rulebook but it will take a fucking week)
Just skin the players hand book.
(no dodging)
(anything else is fair game
why not i flip a coin head D & D fight tails normal?
(ill flip it
Sure. I'm just using of for the armor class so it's more fair with hitting and shit.
(its flipped and landed on tails)
alright problem solved)
Alright. But watch yourself then. I'm bringing out the big guns.
lets back to rp)
*crashes on the couch* heh heh... *yawn* man... How am I gettin tired?
...? *chains glitching* oh no. *falls*AAAAAAA *lands in water*
same here
*swims up* grr really gotta get used to this

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23