mental:later make me a avatar so these idiots stop calling me bates in that description *shut up I just made you cau-* yeah yeah we get it..
I'm just waiting for this to end. I need to sleep soon, and am hoping to do the wedding before then.
mental:god...can you understand this girl? or do you not he a these things..
mental:i wish I could you h them but i cant all i can do is change what you do in those lovely actions
mental:well not everything...cause it hurts to do like move kind of changes like magic and shet..
*a lot of smoke come out of my head...*
mental; I talking too much...fuck! i just made my appearance and this is what they will remeber..
mental:*sighs* lets get serious tho...*a white ball of magic and a red ball of magi apper and both of them haveoppisite colour faces
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