(i love how you guys have completly forgotten about the baby)
Yet our show goes on
For the weak and strong
But a perfect world
Shatters in my grasp
For the weak and strong
But a perfect world
Shatters in my grasp
Vextooth chuckles " it was quite an odd gamshow, i must admit, basically there was this group of warriors that had to climb up a tower, each floor had a challenge in it, each floor one person would be eliminated until there was only the winner standing" he crossed his arms and floated abit " I mainly just explained the rules and challenges and added a few debuffs occasionally"
Vextooth blinked his one eye "huh.... well isn't that an interesting coincidence"
"have any of the other realm swords been found yet? Cause if so i have alot of paperwork to do[/colour" Vextooth murmured the last part with alittle bit of distaste
Vextooth nods, "documentation, i keep record of all important realmic news in documents and papers incase i am ever killed, just so my reset self has an easier time readjusting" he explains, vextooth has become a far more complicated character in the time he's been unspoken of
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