Yeah, but I don't think Rv would get involved other than with Rabia, and that would just make things worse. As for what it is. . . *slowly pulls Exetior out*
(oh , i uh better do something that makes my OCs immune to that) (=literally everyone)
But, Morgan pointed something out yesterday, that I didn't think about. I may have. . . Accident
The way he fights with Exetior especially is similar to that of using a stand. . . He technically has four.
You will see just how much destruction he can cause whenever he next gets into a fight. . . He doesn't hold back anymore.
(*me nerfing all my OCs while Jacks is now taking steroids*)
(i voted no cause idk shipping your own OCs is a bit weird >->)
*Tries to remember how long he had Del as a used character until he brought in Past*
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23