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Forums » Roleplay » u.c rp

(I mean for anyone that wants to rp I can multitask
((Yay! Where did we leave off last time again? Can't seem to remember
(Oh they where going for sushi.
((Riiight, whose turn was it?
(I think yours....
I'll rp when more ppl get on)
((Gtg, i'll be back in like 20 to 30 minutes
Oof bye echo)
((I'll be waiting then
Any1 wanna rp?)
*Hands Morgan a simpack*)
Sorry you wont get the joke)
Guess theres nobody here.......
cya i'm going to get some sleep...... *vanishes from the rp* I'm back..)
(Hell....everytime I go and my grandparents I'm always late ...

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23