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(Its...a long story
.(...sorry for making you wait...
((No no, it's okay, it's fine
(Well want to in a really bad mood and I need a distraction...
((Yeah sure, anything to make you feel better
(Thank you...think it was your turn cause I left...
Hey guys I have a Question but kts pretty. Hard for me to talk about so I'll say in dms but Can anyone help?
So none can? It's fine if. Not)
What....its just a funny animation
oh no in the animation Jevil finds the N word pass XD
((Oh yeah, the house has a radio so go ahead
When is it. Morning in rp)
((More of a reason why he shouldn't drink it-
Morgan kts the same time for mel
Del and reborn are gone...)

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23