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(I just watch a lot of horror movies sir guess thats why I dont get scared even if I imagine it-

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Yes, but still... I don't like what that says about me... The fact that I dreamed about THAT. I mean... For my OC, sure, but me IRL? *shivers* I shouldn't be dreaming about that night for him...
dude relax you are what 15? and also it was fictional so relaaaax.
I mean you won't get scarred or anything so chill xD
((And yeah jack it's fine, i have dreams of owen(my oc) and emily(my friend's oc) fuckin sometimes too, it's absolutely fiiiine
(yeah fuck you too cosmo :3
I have a dream about asriel
(now serious ...I need help with math
hell I gave my soul to him but he refused
but I force to give hin and finally he obsob it and be my friend
I was dreamed that yesterday
(not to break it to you but we are talking about getting fucked
(im joking pls dont kill me
((Something i'll never do, forver alone
((I'mma die a virgin, sitting in my apartment with like 10 dogs as my only companions
( I mean....ahe....hem...yea.ok
((Gtg, i'l be back in 20ish minutes
(btw should we continue orrr
(oh nvm ok

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