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Forums » Roleplay » u.c rp

but if we're gonna do this rp there needs to be a few rules cause itneeds to be sorta simple but hard too..I'll make the rules for when I explan it tommarow
No 1 alive)
dead now
hello -~-
sorry i left last night
power outage
it's ok -~- i barely got to do lastnght at all actally..
besides can you help me with something *-*
but what did imiss
can you help me make another chat in a roleplay file...
i could try
you know you click roleplay then click uc but just click roleplay and I need a new chat made
I was thinking about this rp's stuck in my dad and it o uld be a good idea..
I was thinking of a zombie rp but! we have a big forest,town with no name yet,da lake and the abandoned city there all away from each other expect for the forest and the town there near each other

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23