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Mia:you are so dumb sometimes.....was mad bc I felt violated I was half naked in front of our friends you know....if I was kings daughter. .I would be dead right now bc of what happened. ..
........ *walks outside*
*falls and slams into the roof of a house, then pick himself up and continues flying, holding one arm*
-_- jesus christ.... *mind:if they dont get along for what ever the reasoning then why even bother be nice to each other*
*tps to Jack* what the fuck is going on......
*he can see Jack is crying*
Your drunk..........
or your either very pissed
Mia:*crysnand smiles*it was a bad idea to come here after all...I guess is it to go back..*tps somewhere and no onexception can find her or knows where she is and everyone forgets about her like they ever met her*
flower clone:*tp to nexus* i think mia was have naked and flower and mia ask him to get changed so mia got upset cause jack did not do what they asked so mia got upset and locked jack out and now mia got to upset and this lead to that
YA *huc* THINK, NEXUS!? GIVE THE MAN A FUCKING CIGAR!!! *keeps flying*
*finished* there we go./flower clone:btw mia left and idk where the hell is she
*gets out a stage and a podium
....... *face palms*
rv. what the hell you doing
need to tell you all about my new roleplay chat idea..

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23