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(btw flower , july destroyed the house_)

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wait who's Morgan again..
*Rabia teleported to viol*
I'm... Just gonna go before I start ruining everyone else's mood with my problems...
. . . I hope Pap just starts using a phone or something. . .
So... What now?
I'm not sure.
. . . Unless Pap comes back, I'm probably just going to use my villains, if I even bother rping at this point... I don't want to use Jack...
This is just lot to take in, even with being on the spectrum, just barely, but on it none the less... Two friends in one day... One permanently gone, and one I might never see again...
And it's all my fault. . .
I'm sorry, Del...
. . .I can't be sure how you are feeling, but I can try my best to understand. I'm here if you need to talk about it, dude. (Sorry for the delay, I'm terrible at emotional moments like this...)
It's fine... Just... I was using the rp to escape... I found out earlier that one of my friends was murdered... And now, with that and this... I just don't know what to do anymore... Nothing I usually do to take my mind off of pain is working... I just don't know what to do at this point... And I ruined the rp for everyone...
*slaps them both out of this emotional funk
Damon you two know how to make a girl cry...

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23