*round house kicks Maul to the ground and Nexus would kick him before Maul hit the ground and send Maul flying*
Mia... I'm sorry for what I said... I shouldn't have done what I did... Please... Forgive me... *starts crying and hugs her*
GRRRRR *appears behind Nexus and Morgan and slam them both to the ground*
hmmmm *flys and trying to find noy *
Mia. Where do we need to go? Where is spring?
". . ." ". . .I'm...gonna go check on Nexus, see what he's up to...I'll be back" *Vanishes*
GRRR *a hand would grab Morgan and slam him to the ground*
Mia :* black magic shockso her and trys not to yell and puts her hand on his face and shows him where spring is and it take 6days to get there*
*Watches Nexus fighting from his vanish realm*
jesus christ this probably take 6 days to get to the location of this spring or maybe longer *flys to spring location*
*a hand would slam Nexus to the ground and deal massive damage while sending him flying*
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23