"GET BACK HERE, YOU COWARDS!!!!" *Punches the wall, shattering it entirely*
oh hi nightslayer whats up???/corrupted nightslayer:nothing
*Turns, noticing Nexus* "F***..." *Eyes turn normal* "Nexus..." *Check*
*attack 1,000 Df 100,000 Hp 0/100,000 his soul has shattered and has no way to reform it*
*this plays in the background https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ItJDxpLwwqE*
"F***. FU**! FU**!!!!!!!" *Angrily punches the floor* "Those sh**s will PAY!!!!"
"THEY WILL PAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" *A huge blue and green aura surrounds him* "THEY! WILL!!! PAY!!!!!" *Slowly standing up*
"I...will NOT....let them....get AWAY WITH THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" *Arches backward, screaming with all of his might*
*Del slowly straightens out, his eyes closed. He starts laughing slowly, then that turns into laughing maniacally*
*I'll put more about this on my profile soon, but for now, just know it's gonna get worse for anyone who p***es him off* *Opens eyes suddenly. They are the same green and blue as before, except more bold. He stops laughing as soon as he opens his eyes*
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23