yep you have to travel to 6 Different timelines and buy these rare plants from the gersons
Wait... *catches up to Mia* Cmere! I'll just got us the rest of the way!
"Got it. I'll get them later. Thanks for the info, Infinity." *Jumps all the way to the gate at once*
*starts to look less and less emotional after each kill*
*tps back to Del* But you can't just get the items all at once you have to travel for them.... to prove to Gerson you are able to contain the plants....
Mia:guys brass for impact!*keeps gosing up and uses dark magic on the gate and it opens*
*grabs Mia and gets in front of her* Don't worry I gotcha!
*Blasts up with his wings and then wraps them around her as well*
Jack has the piece of paper with the 6 timeline you need to go to
*Nods* "I'll ask him after we do this. Thanks."
*Turns back to Jack and Mia* "So...what next?"
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